Soquiet is a platform for free photographic works, originated by photographer and filmmaker
Claudia Rorarius, who is known since years for her personal, unpretentious publications in
different magazines like Spex, Jetzt, Brand Eins, Sueddeutsche Zeitung, Zoo-Magazine,
Wallpaper, etc.
This internet-page provides an infrastructure to bring interested parties and photographers
together. What primarily matters is the sensitive, individual and significant visual
language and not the handling of functional photo-exploitation.
After a free registration you can choose from a huge archive of musician-, artist- und
personality-portraits (FAMOUS PEOPLE) as well as from a pool of mostly unpublished photo-series
and single photographs (EDITORIAL). Every order will be processed immediately and an individual
offer, accordant to the kind of usage, will be submitted within 24hours. The purchase will be
easily arranged afterwards with the correspondent photographer directly over our ordering-system.
The photographical material will be provided after the purchase via the Internet, as
high-resolution-scan or alternatively as analogue-reprint.
Thanks for your interest.